"I gained two lifelong friends and mentors"

At the beginning of The Business Cohort, Sean went through one of the most challenging seasons of his life, personally and professionally. "What I thought was going to be a successful holiday season turned into, ‘Hey, I'm struggling to get inventory, and I had an employee take a lot of money.’ Where I could have given up and just threw up my hands, I surrendered to God. He put the right resources right into my corner at the absolute right time. As cliche as this may sound, God's timing is always perfect."

Sean's coaches, Aldo and Adam, let Sean know that it wouldn't be easy and would be a daily challenge, but reminded Sean that they were in his corner supporting him. "Without these guys, I would not have made it. It goes beyond the Wednesday class meetings. My coaches check on me almost daily. They provide scripture, the necessary tools, with not only what I've been going through personally but the business as well, and they are right there in my corner.”

"I look forward to seeing where it goes beyond Celebration Pitch Night because not only have I gained two coaches, but I also gained two lifelong friends and mentors that I can go to or call or text at any time."

Sean - The Business Cohort Alumni


“I've gained freedom being in this building.”


“My future in the workforce was nonexistent.”