Watermark CDC
Financial EmpowermenT
Financial Stewardship for Under-Resourced Individuals and Households
Financial Catalyst teaches biblical stewardship principles through relational discipleship, financial literacy, and empowerment.
Pay day loans, unbanked individuals, and soaring debt create huge challenges for under-resourced communities. The CDC’s financial empowerment initiatives provide financial education and accelerated savings through the Financial Catalyst program, retail banking, and general financial services.
Financial Catalyst teaches financial education and empowerment. The program consists of twelve weeks of weekly meetings working through Faith & Finances followed by twelve months of monthly meetings providing accountability and further practical education.
Through small groups and biblical principles, Financial Catalyst provides an opportunity for financial discipleship and accelerated asset purchases.
See for yourself

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty
-Proverbs 21:5
Contact us to learn more
Financial Catalyst Ally
Allies are small group leaders who guide conversations and build relationships by facilitating application of spiritual and financial principles and providing accountability and empowerment. There are opportunities to serve in North or South Dallas as an ally for 12 weeks (meeting weekly), 12 months (meeting monthly and pursuing one-on-one relationships outside of the meeting), or 15 months (combining both options).
Frequency: Weekly or Monthly on Mondays or Thursdays
Financial Catalyst Production Team
oLead production efforts by managing audio-visual needs at Financial Catalyst. Tasks involve setting up, using, and putting away mics, soundboard, and projectors. Training is provided! There are opportunities to serve in North or South Dallas for 12 weeks (weekly), 12 months (monthly) or 15 months (combining both options).
Frequency: Weekly or Monthly on Mondays or Thursdays
Get involved
When you give, you make it possible to push Watermark CDC initiatives forward. Join us in Seeking the Economic Welfare in our City today!
Interested in mentoring 1:1, discipling a small group, or teaching? View our current serving opportunities and join the Watermark CDC volunteer team today.
Check out our current events.