Meet Seanay Singleton
Financial Catalyst Coordinator
“I hail from the illustrious suburb of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca and look forward to kicking off my new life journey in Dallas! I have the heart and knowledge in assisting people in all walks of life and await in anticipation to see how God is going to use my past experiences to propel His Kingdom.
I enjoy traveling, spending time with family and friends, and exploring local hot spots to find new culinary cravings. I am intentional about connecting with people because I understand that God created us to value community. I operate in the resolve that I am sharpened, nurtured, and truly walking in the image of God when I choose to authentically engage in community.
“My role with the CDC will allow me to operate as the conduit between two worlds that would normally remain mutually exclusive. However, God saw fit to allow and entrust me with His people to instill tangible tools that will restore hope, worth, and dignity in the community. He also showed His love for details by blessing me with a team who has their hearts postured towards heaven. I am excited to go and grow into all that God has for me, because I am Worthy of it All.”