“God and work come together”.
With a background in business and community development, and a heart for God and His mission, Gustavo wants to see change happen in the lives of those living in South Dallas. Upon hearing about Watermark CDC’s initiative with job connection and discipleship, Gustavo jumped in to serve as an Advocate in the Job Connection Program (JCP). Advocates meet with participants 1:1 to provide prayer, encouragement, and support once they are placed in a first or better job.
Gustavo has been paired with a participant named Claude, who Gustavo has enjoyed getting to serve and learn alongside as they pursue their understanding of how “God and work come together”. Gustavo has been encouraged by what the Lord continues to do in his own heart as it relates to him learning how he can willingly offer his gifts to be used by God. “I am a vessel for whatever it is that happens here. It’s not about me, ever.”
Shortly after he began serving as an advocate, Gustavo was asked to be a part of our JCP directional team in South Dallas. Now, Gustavo is teaching the job training skills content and leading in the work God is inviting us into. “I am excited to be a part of a ministry that meets people where they are at, provides resources to help them grow, and connects them to the deeper meaning of life – which is God.”
Friends, as “vessels for honorable use” (2 Timothy 2:21) we ask you to join us in praying that God would continue to use individuals like Gustavo and the Job Connection Program to develop individuals who are desiring empowerment, and for our hearts to be turned to the Creator of work Himself.