Meet Ashley D’Amico
The Business Cohort Coordinator
Texas born and raised - moved to Dallas in 2002 to attend SMU and decided to make it home.
The most important things you can know about me are that I love Jesus, I am blessed to be a wife to Nick, and a mama to Lowen and Luca. Being a mom of twins has been my greatest journey, and I am amazed at how the Lord continues to grow Nick and I through parenthood.
I grew up in church, but I didn't come to know Jesus in a personal way until my mid-twenties. I am grateful for Watermark and the Porch because they served as the means by which I learned what it truly means to walk alongside other believers and pursue the Lord with all your heart. I am excited to use the gifts and experience God has entrusted me with to serve our South Dallas community, and I cannot wait to see all God has in store. It is an honor to be chosen to work in this way for His glory.